Frequently Asked Questions
A denture is a removable replacement for missing teeth and the surrounding gums. There are two types of dentures available — complete and partial dentures. Complete dentures are used when all the teeth are missing while partial dentures are used when some natural teeth remain. You may be given an immediate denture, which is inserted immediately after extractions to avoid being without teeth. Immediate dentures are often a temporary solution to your allow gums to heal before a more permanent denture can be fitted.
Dentures come in many different types, depending on individual need. The cost of a denture will depend on the type that you require. With more denture clinics opening all over Australia, many offer price reductions and special deals. Choosing your denture provider based on price alone may mean you miss the opportunity to discover just how comfortable and perfectly matched a denture can be. At your initial consultation, we will assess your needs and discuss your questions. Then, we’ll talk about denture costs before we begin treatment.
Dentures don’t last forever. Your denture is likely to last eight to ten years, requiring a reline every three to four years. Over time, your denture will become worn and won’t fit as well, so it’s important to reline it regularly. The better you follow your denture care instructions, the longer your replacement teeth will last.
Dentures are designed to resemble your natural teeth. You’ll be able to speak, chew and look just like someone with natural teeth. It’s a good idea to provide us with a photo of yourself with your original teeth, so we have a better understanding what you need.
It will take some time to adjust to your dentures, and everyone is different. The muscles of your cheeks and tongue need to learn how to keep your denture in place. You may experience some soreness or irritation at first, however this will settle down over time.
At first, your new denture may affect your ability to eat. It’s a good idea to practice with small soft pieces of food. Don’t be too hard on yourself. It will feel a little uncomfortable at first and you’ll need some time to adjust.
You may have some difficulty saying certain words. However with practice and time, you’ll become accustomed to speaking properly with your denture. We recommend spending extra time practicing on those hard to say words.
Dentures are made to resemble your natural teeth as closely as possible, so there should be no noticeable change to your appearance. Your denture could even improve your smile and fill out your facial appearance.
We usually recommended that you remove your denture while you sleep however your dental prosthetist will discuss this with you. T’s a good idea to leave your denture out of your mouth for at least eight hours a day, to give the tissue supporting your denture a chance to rest.
If you notice your denture is hurting, you’ll need to contact our clinic and arrange an appointment. It’s usual to experience some sore spots at first. We recommend that you leave the denture in your mouth for as long as possible before you come in for your appointment. This will allow us to see the cause of the problem and resolve it with slight adjustments.
When your denture is not in your mouth, you should store it in the denture box provided. This will protect it from unforeseen loss or damage.
You’ll be provided with a starter pack that includes a daily denture care information leaflet and a sample of Polident denture cleanser. The best way to clean your denture is by holding it over a sink filled with water or over a folded towel. This will prevent it from being damaged if you drop it. Never use regular toothpaste on your denture, it is too abrasive and will cause damage.
Immediate Dentures
The main advantage of having a denture fitted immediately after tooth extraction is that you won’t need to be without teeth while your new denture is being made. Immediate dentures can also help the healing process, by controlling bleeding and minimising swelling. Because it covers your extraction sites, it may also reduce the likelihood of dry sockets.
The disadvantage is that an immediate denture cannot be tried in in advance. A reline will be required once your bone and gums have healed to ensure a secure and comfortable fit.
Having had teeth extracted and a denture inserted right away, you will likely experience some sore spots. These may occur at the extraction site or be caused by the denture rubbing on your gums. Wearing your denture continually for the first 24 hours can help alleviate this pain. On the second day, wash your denture and rinse your mouth in warm salty water. Reinsert your denture immediately after cleaning. This will prevent your mouth from swelling, avoiding further difficulty or pain.
Adjusting to your new denture will take a little time and you may find eating, drinking and speaking challenging at first. Start with soft foods in small, bite-sized pieces, placed on either side of your mouth. You can practice speaking by reading a magazine out loud. You’ll soon learn what you can and can’t do with your new denture.
The best way to clean your denture is by holding it over a sink filled with water or over a folded towel. This will prevent it from being damaged if you drop it. Never use regular tooth paste on your denture, it is too abrasive and will cause damage. Clean your denture after every meal and especially before bed. We usually recommend that you remove your denture while you sleep and place it in water to prevent it from drying out. This will give the tissue supporting your denture a chance to rest.
An immediate denture can be used for many years. It will require a reline every 1-2 years to ensure an accurate fit.
Implant Dentures
A dental implant is used when there are no teeth remaining in the jaw but there is enough jaw bone to support it. It is designed to create a strong and stable fitting tooth that is comfortable and feels completely natural. You’ll find it won’t move around or slip, like a traditional denture. Your dental surgeon inserts the implants into your jaw and constructs a denture that is then clicked into place. Your bone will grow around the implant over time. Dental implants offer many benefits over traditional dentures and can even help to preserve the natural shape and strength of your jaw.
A ‘stock’ mouthguard is purchased and worn ‘as-is’, without any level of shaping, trimming or moulding to your mouth. It provides little to no comfort, makes speech difficult (which is critical in many sports), and can even lacerate your mouth.
The old ‘boil and bite’ style of mouthguard is bulky, does not provide an exact fit and may increase the chance of dental damage. It offers minimal protection and is often not worn because it is so uncomfortable.
A ‘custom fit’ mouthguard offers the best protection and comfort available. It’s custom fitted and fabricated by a knowledgeable and experienced dental professional, so it won’t move around in the mouth, offering the optimum level of comfort.
Mouthguards typically last between a season and one to two years, depending on the age of the player. Children up to the age of 15 usually require a new mouthguard every year. Older children and adults will find their mouthguard wears down, and it should be checked every year.